What might be harmless to us humans can be lethal to dogs.

Alcohol affects dogs the same way as it does those noisy hoomans, but since their bodies are smaller, it can do more damage even in smaller quantities. Consumption of alcohol can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, coordination problems, breathing difficulties, and in some cases, it may lead to coma or death.
Avocados contain persin, which can cause vomiting or diarrhea in dogs. Persin can be found in the leaves, seed, bark, and the fruit. The avocado seed can also become stuck in the intestines or stomach, and obstruction could be fatal.
Onions and Garlic
Delicious, aromatic, and nutritious for hoomans, but lethal to dogs. Both onion and garlic should never be fed to dogs as they contain substances that can damage or even burst a dog’s red blood cell which can result into anemia. Always be cautious when throwing away food or if you give your dog scraps. A little garlic or onion can potentially be disastrous to our furry friends.
Some of us hoomans need our daily dose of caffeine, but for our four legged friends, they absolutely should not consume any. In large quantities, caffeine poisoning can occur and may have lasting effects on their wellbeing. Remember, caffeine is not limited to your delicious Venti Caramel Macchiato, but can be found in some painkillers, tea and soft drinks. When ingested, dogs may show symptoms of restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations and muscle tremors. Always be mindful where to leave your caffeinated drinks.
Grapes and raisins
Although it’s unclean how grapes are toxic to dogs, this sweet and delicious hooman treat should never be feed to our furry friends. Grapes can cause vomiting, lethargy, and kidney failure. Always make sure your dog is far from this innocent but deadly fruit.
Macadamia nuts
Always be on a look out whenever you’re enjoying those delicious chocolate macadamia nut goodies. When macadamia is ingested, it can cause toxicosis depending on the size of the dog. Consumption as little as 2.4 g/kg of macadamia nuts can cause clinical signs of poisoning, including muscle tremors, weakness, paralysis, vomiting, fever and rapid heartbeat. If coupled with chocolate, it can be disastrous.
This is a common artificial sweeter found in gum, toothpaste, candy, and other diet foods. You’ve also probably seen delicious Xylitol candy sold mostly at Korean or Asian supermarkets. Xylitol causes a sudden spike in insulin circulation that can result in a severe drop in blood sugar and even result to liver failure. Early symptoms include repeated vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination, which may result into seizures. Liver failure from xylitol ingestion can occur within just a few days. Make sure your furry friend steers clear away from the Xylitol packed hooman necessities listed above.
We’re sure you’ve already heard about chocolate being toxic to dogs. Just in case you’re new to dog ownership, never feed your furry friend chocolates. All chocolates contain theobromine, which can cause abnormal heartbeats, tremors, seizures, and even death. Dark and unsweetend baking chocolates contain the most theobromine meaning these are the most lethal chocolates.
Fat Trimmings
It’s definitely tempting to feed your dog leftover fatty scraps and big bones. Unfortunately, too much fat can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Avoid spoiling them with these unsafe treats.
Cooked Bones
Cooked bones, especially chicken bones, may cause choking and splinters can result to punctured throats or tears in their digestive tract. Avoid spoiling them with these unsafe treats.
Yeast dough
Raw dough, if ingested, has the potential to rise, which will cause swelling and pain. Yeast also ferments, which produces alcohol. We’re sure by now you know that alcohol is a big no and should never be given to dogs.
Fruits Pits and Seeds
Practice caution when feeding your dog certain fruits. Some pits and seeds can cause obstruction in dog’s digestive tract. Some pits, like peach and plum, can also be dangerous as they contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs. As long as you remove the pits and seeds, certain fruits should be a healthy snack.
Plums contain hydrogen cyanide, which is extremely toxic to dogs if eaten. Most of the hydrogen cyanide is in the plum pit, but there is also some that can be found in their leaves and roots which can cause gastric irritation with the possibility of respiratory distress.
Although persimmons are not toxic, their pits can cause intestinal problems so it is best to just avoid it entirely.
Peach pits are toxic to dogs as they contain cyanogenic glycosides. If eaten, this can be lethal to dogs.
Milk and milk-based products can cause diarrhea and other digestive problems, which can lead to dehydration. Dairy can also trigger food allergies in dogs.
Sugary Food
Just like hoomans, too much sugar can be dangerous for dogs. It can lead to obesity, teeth problem, and even diabetes.
Raw Fish
Unless you're feeding your dog sashimi grade fish, raw fish can carry parasites. Fish such as salmon, trout, shad, and sturgeon can be carriers of parasitic diseases. It is best to thoroughly cook fish for your fur babies.
Raw Egg
Feeding raw egg to dogs is getting a bit popular. Always handle eggs with care as there's a chance of food poisoning from bacteria like salmonella or E. coli.
Eating too much salt can make your dog thirsty, which may lead to dehydration. Too much salt can also lead to sodium ion poisoning.
Baking Soda & Powder
Baking soda and powder can be toxic to dogs if eaten in large quantities.
Human Medicine
If your veterinarian didn't prescribe it, don't give it. Ingredients such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are common in pain relievers and cold medicine, but can be lethal to dogs. Always consult your veterinarian before giving your dog medication.